Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Digging some Happy out of a Dreary Day

A few happy notes on a dreary day:

1.| One of my friends at work complimented my new hair, and asked if I always planned the coordinated debut outfit that goes perfectly with my new hair styles. When I told him that the outfit was picked out on Sunday, far before the spurious decision on the hair color, we agreed that I just knew how to work my color palette. Bwa ha ha ha! Me? Know anything about clothes? Reedicoolus.

2.| The aroma of the chana masala drew the lunch lurkers like crazy. Why, yes. Yes it does smell good. It tastes even better!

3.| The Troentorp clogs seem to be working so far. Who knew that wooden insoles could be – dare I say it – comfy. The idea was so foreign to me that I thought it at least as likely that a wooden baseball cap would feel nice on my head. Maybe one would. Who knows? That’ll teach me to keep my mind open.

4.| I’m still on the diet. I’m not losing weight real fast, but I am definitely feeling my clothes becoming looser and my mind is radically calmer. So much so that people have gone so far as to ask if anything’s wrong. Nope. Just mellow. I guess that eliminating a 24 oz coffee and 3 Diet Mountain Dews a day – plus all the hidden sugar – can help with that.

5.| I’m looking forward, in a few days, to being able to fling more “nice” around the office. An extreme impediment will soon be removed and I believe that about 250 lbs of negativity is going to be lifted off my shoulders. It could be a really fun place…we’ll see…

6.| Singing harmony with my honey. It is always fun.


As mentioned in the previous post, stuff has been nasty-weird and bummerific lately. Some especially bad episodes have made this particular day really heavy to carry.

I’ve mentioned it before, but I know I am luckier than many. Still, our own personal “hard” belongs to us and we’re inside of it. Fighting against the tendrils that keep us down is what’s important. There are always going to be people who are better off and worse off than you are. I think that keeping that in perspective helps me to keep from getting too far down, but also gives me something to strive for.

How about you? Tell me about one happy you had today, so I can get a few vicarious thrills through you.

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