Friday, August 12, 2011


Either it’s going to be a long post, or I’m-a gonna SUMMARIZE!
1.|  I like recipe hunting and researching stuff on the internet. I got to spend a little time doing that today on my day off. How did we get answers to all our stupid questions before the internet? I love the internet and want to marry it and make little baby internets with it.
(No, not really) ((But I do love it))
2.|  I went to Hu Hot for lunch! Hu haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! They’re really cool about helping me with my shrimp allergy, and they have all sorts of stuff I can eat. Like monkey tongues.
3.|  Despite aggravating computers-being-pukey-circumstances, I did turn in a draft of the proposal for the symposium. I wonder if my professor will have a chance to review it before it’s due. If not, oh well. But you miss 100% of the shots you never take.
4.|  Went over to my lovely mother-in-law’s house tonight for supper. We had a wonderful meal and a great time just hanging out. And we traded RECIPES! Did I mention that I like recipe hunting? I Think I Did!
5.| Still feeling headachey BUT my mind is calm again today. I like this wave and will ride it all the way to Hawai’i if given half a chance.
So I drink this Good Earth Tea stuff. It’s super sweet and spicy, but one of the best parts is the tag on the tea bag. Each one has a philosophical quotation on it. If I like them, I pull them of f the string and stick them in my pants pocket and look at them throughout the day.
One from yesterday said, “"I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed." – Booker T. Washington.  That one said a lot to me.
I know my life is PRIMO, but I have had my struggles, as have we all. Sometimes I worry that I haven’t done ENOUGH with my life. Since I’m always busy, it may seem odd that I think that way. With work, grad school, and a fairly steady freelance business, I need to focus on these things that I’ve achieved in the context of the obstacles I’ve overcome to achieve them.
Also, I know that I’m not where I want to be as a person…yet. Right now I’m laying a foundation for what I want next. Even if that path seems vague and far away, I am working on it.
So how about you? Are you moving in a direction that you want to go? Are you doing things now that will enable a better, happier you later? Are you clearing obstacles? Or just trying to discover a way around them?

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