Tuesday, August 16, 2011


So here’s the roundup:

1.| Slept in a iittle this morning. It felt good. Matt had to work so I got to hog the whole bed to myself and steal his body pillow.

2.| Today’s discovery: pad thai made with cabbage as the noodles.  Sweat some onions, add garlic, ginger, and soy sauce, toss in cabbage ribbons, and saute until limp. Add a little peanut butter and there you go. I also ate a bunch of cabbage noodles and garlic with beef stir fry for supper. We’ll see how that works out for me tomorrow when I’m back at work.

3.| Got in a workout while watching Le Late Late Show avec Craig Ferguson a Paris. That’s always good for a laugh; although I think he shines when he has a live studio audience. Just sayin’…

4.| Finished up my final paper for one of my classes. I thought I was done and then I was taken with a brain fever that ultimately netted me more sources and transformed the Vague Assertions I was trying to put forth into Documentable Hard Proof, suckas!

5.| Got financial aid taken care of for next year. Really, I’d rather get a filling that do financial aid stuff. For some reason, I’m scared that I’m going to screw it up, and the Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith are going to show up at my house and shine the little flashy thing at me, and I won’t remember anything I learned during my whole master’s program. Well, not really, but I do get pretty nervous that I’m going to screw it up…


In the past, it’s been hard for me to relax and just enjoy time to myself. With everything going on in my life, my brain is usually filled with “oughtas” and “shoulds.” On vacations, I often overstructure my time to make sure I’m not missing anything. I was tempted to do that today – to push myself to go and have ‘adventures’ and ‘experiences.’ Sometimes, I’m so busy pushing and planning that I don’t pay attention to what I really want, and end up missing out on the current experience because I’m planning the next.

I chose instead to pay attention to today. I took care of some lingering tasks that I needed to accomplish, but I did what I wanted, mindfully, and enjoyed it. I did just enough to feel like I wasn’t a complete waste of skin, but not so much that I felt hurried. I got to linger over my lunch and kick back in the sunshine on my porch with some reading material.
What about you? Do you like the pace of your life? Do you push yourself all the time, or do you really, honestly relax sometimes? If you push yourself all the time, is it because you like to, or because you feel compelled? If you try to relax, do you feel guilty about it?

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